Hadrian's Wall between Cockmount Hill and Walltown Quarry East (Greenhead)
This part of Hadrian's Wall survives mostly as an earthwork but in some parts the stonework stands up to 1.7m high. In places, more recent buildings and field walls have been built on top of the Wall. The remains of turrets and milecastles also lie along the Wall here, including Milecastle 44, Milecastle 45 and Turret 44b which can all be seen as earthworks or stone structures. The Wall ditch is very well preserved near Cockmount Hill where it is over 2m deep and the glacis, or mound of upcast, can also be seen. Along much of Walltown Crags there was no need for a ditch except in the gaps, or nicks, which needed some protection. The route of the Military Way Roman road, which ran between the Wall and vallum linking the turrets, milecastles and forts, can be seen as an earthwork or terrace in the hillside, through this whole section. This is a Scheduled Monument and Grade I Listed Building protected by law.
WATCHING BRIEF, Greatchesters Roman Fort and Hadrian's Wall from Cockmounthill Plantation to Allolees 2009; Alan Williams Archaeology
WATCHING BRIEF, Hadrian¿s Wall at Great Chesters 2014; Alan Williams Archaeology
MEASURED SURVEY, Hadrian's Wall at Cockmount Hill Plantation 2015; Alan Williams Archaeology
WATCHING BRIEF, Greatchesters Roman Fort and Hadrian's Wall from Cockmounthill Plantation to Allolees 2009; Alan Williams Archaeology
WATCHING BRIEF, Hadrian¿s Wall at Great Chesters 2014; Alan Williams Archaeology
MEASURED SURVEY, Hadrian's Wall at Cockmount Hill Plantation 2015; Alan Williams Archaeology
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