St Mary's Chapel, Inner Farne (North Sunderland and Seahouses)
The remains of a medieval chapel dedicated to St Mary are now incorporated into a visitor centre on Inner Farne. It lies across the east court from the Chapel of St Cuthbert. According to a survey of the chapel made in about 1930, it originally extended further west and was about 16m long, instead of the present 8.5m. This would have made it about the same length as St Cuthbert's. The south-east corner of the chapel stands to its original height of about 4m, but elsewhere only the lowest course of stone is medieval. The chapel was turned into a store by Trinity House in the 19th century and was later converted to an information centre by the National Trust. This is a Scheduled Monument and Grade II Listed Building protected by law.
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1957; E Geary
BUILDING SURVEY, Inner Farne 1999
FIELD SURVEY, National Trust survey: the Farne Islands 2010; Archaeo-Environment Ltd
BUILDING SURVEY, Inner Farne 1999
FIELD SURVEY, National Trust survey: the Farne Islands 2010; Archaeo-Environment Ltd
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