Settlements and field system north-east of Burntshield Haugh (Blanchland) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
1) Northern Archaeological Associates, 1993. Lord Crewe Estate Archaeological Survey. Unpublished (site 29)
2) Aerial photograph NAA 1/10,20-21; 3/15-18; 4/0,4,15-21,33-35
3) Aerial photograph AEROFILMS 91/COL/141 2421
4) Oral information, correspondence or staff comments, B Butcher, Oct-1996
5) Oral information, correspondence or staff comments, C and M Tolan-Smith, Jan-1998
6) Scheduled Monument Notification 27-Apr-1998