Heddon (Kilham)
(Centred NT 862284) Many old enclosures and foundations of houses round here. A Votadinian homestead to the east of the site. ?Medieval, one robbed. (1)
Aitchison's 'Votidinian homestead' consists of a small group of enclosures formed by slight turf-covered rubble banks. It contains at least two rectangular building steadings, and is connected at the east corner to a larger complex of further isolated steadings and rectilinear cultivation plots (his 'house foundations and enclosures', see 6 inch survey and enlarged sketch).
The whole forms one site and is typical of the small farmsteads found at the higher levels throughout the area, and generally thought to represent continuous rural colonization from medieval times onwards. Surveyed at 6 inch scale. (2)
Centred at NT 86182846 on a sheltered saddle of rough pastureland are the remains of about 6 buildings with their fields. The buildings survive as low rectangular stone footings (all heavily turfed and with no definite entrances visible) varying from 35m by 5m to 8m by 6.5m; nearly all are sub-divided.
The field system consists of irregular shaped fields edged by low turf covered rubble walls, banks and lynchets. To the north, east, and west are traces of much eroded ridge and furrow, and terraces. At the south-west edge of the field system (centred at NT 8614 2837 and as planned by Phillips) an area of scooped hollows and apparent platforms is obviously the 'Votadinian homestead' referred to by Aitchison, though his 'East' is incorrect.
Though typical of some Iron Age/Romano British settlements in the area (see NT 82 NE 72) the scooped areas to the north-east are more rectangular than circular and the 'enclosures' do not seem to have been levelled. Nonetheless, the complex is probably the remains of an Iron Age/Romano-British homestead and field system partly overlaid and reused by a later, probably Medieval, farmstead and field system. (Field system delineated on Record Sheet). Surveyed at 1:10,000. (3)
NT 862284. Settlement 500 yds east-north-east of Coldsmouth Hill. Scheduled. (4)
Air photographs. (5)
Heddon deserted medieval village. Documentary references: 1242, 1296, 1377, 1541. (6)
Scheduled. (7)
Extensive remains of a deserted medieval village, with accompanying garths and field containing broad ridge and furrow cultivation, are visible on aerial photographs. (8)
The remains were surveyed at large scale c.1980 by Piers Dixon and interpreted as the deserted medieval settlement of Haddon; documentary evidence indicates discontinuous occupation between the late 13th and the late 17th centuries. (9a)
(NT 8618 2846) The remains are basically as described by previous investigators, though the rectangular buildings are more numerous, and are clearly associated with yards and paddocks. Near the centre of the settlement at NT 8622 2845 lies a more degraded oval enclosure. This may represent a poorly preserved Romano British enclosed settlement, although Dixon's survey does not suggest so. (9b)
NT 86252848. Romano-British farmstead, medieval settlement and field system. Scheduling amended. (9c)
Aitchison's 'Votidinian homestead' consists of a small group of enclosures formed by slight turf-covered rubble banks. It contains at least two rectangular building steadings, and is connected at the east corner to a larger complex of further isolated steadings and rectilinear cultivation plots (his 'house foundations and enclosures', see 6 inch survey and enlarged sketch).
The whole forms one site and is typical of the small farmsteads found at the higher levels throughout the area, and generally thought to represent continuous rural colonization from medieval times onwards. Surveyed at 6 inch scale. (2)
Centred at NT 86182846 on a sheltered saddle of rough pastureland are the remains of about 6 buildings with their fields. The buildings survive as low rectangular stone footings (all heavily turfed and with no definite entrances visible) varying from 35m by 5m to 8m by 6.5m; nearly all are sub-divided.
The field system consists of irregular shaped fields edged by low turf covered rubble walls, banks and lynchets. To the north, east, and west are traces of much eroded ridge and furrow, and terraces. At the south-west edge of the field system (centred at NT 8614 2837 and as planned by Phillips) an area of scooped hollows and apparent platforms is obviously the 'Votadinian homestead' referred to by Aitchison, though his 'East' is incorrect.
Though typical of some Iron Age/Romano British settlements in the area (see NT 82 NE 72) the scooped areas to the north-east are more rectangular than circular and the 'enclosures' do not seem to have been levelled. Nonetheless, the complex is probably the remains of an Iron Age/Romano-British homestead and field system partly overlaid and reused by a later, probably Medieval, farmstead and field system. (Field system delineated on Record Sheet). Surveyed at 1:10,000. (3)
NT 862284. Settlement 500 yds east-north-east of Coldsmouth Hill. Scheduled. (4)
Air photographs. (5)
Heddon deserted medieval village. Documentary references: 1242, 1296, 1377, 1541. (6)
Scheduled. (7)
Extensive remains of a deserted medieval village, with accompanying garths and field containing broad ridge and furrow cultivation, are visible on aerial photographs. (8)
The remains were surveyed at large scale c.1980 by Piers Dixon and interpreted as the deserted medieval settlement of Haddon; documentary evidence indicates discontinuous occupation between the late 13th and the late 17th centuries. (9a)
(NT 8618 2846) The remains are basically as described by previous investigators, though the rectangular buildings are more numerous, and are clearly associated with yards and paddocks. Near the centre of the settlement at NT 8622 2845 lies a more degraded oval enclosure. This may represent a poorly preserved Romano British enclosed settlement, although Dixon's survey does not suggest so. (9b)
NT 86252848. Romano-British farmstead, medieval settlement and field system. Scheduling amended. (9c)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1969; R W Emsley
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1979; I S Sainsbury
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1979; I S Sainsbury
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Please note that this information has been compiled from a number of different sources. Durham County Council and Northumberland County Council can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy contained therein. If you wish to use/copy any of the images, please ensure that you read the Copyright information provided.