Cropmark (Wooler)
Romano-British enclosed settlement. A rectangular ditched enclosure measuring c.70m square with a south-east facing entrance is clearly visible as a crop mark on RAF verticals. (1)
Visible on aerial photographs. (2)
[NT 9918 3007] A rectilinear enclosure occupies an `island' of gravel at 37m AOD on the floodplain of the river Till. The enclosure is formed by a single ditch and has overall dimensions of c. 70m square with an internal area of 0.14ha. On the eastern side there is a clearly marked entrance. Within the enclosure the site of at least one round (timber ?) house is marked by a ring ditch. A number of probable pits are also visible in the interior. 60m to the east, at NT 9928 3005, is a ring ditch c. 10m in diameter. This may represent the site of an unenclosed round house (HER 2165). (3)(4a)
Aerial photograph references. (4b-h)
A curving row of pits (HER 34287) intersects with the north-eastern corner of the enclosure. The temporal relationship between these two features is unclear. (4e-f)
The site has been mapped from the air as part of the Milfield Geoarchaeology Project. (See archive object MD000296). (4)
General association with HER 2165 (ring ditch). (4)
Visible on aerial photographs. (2)
[NT 9918 3007] A rectilinear enclosure occupies an `island' of gravel at 37m AOD on the floodplain of the river Till. The enclosure is formed by a single ditch and has overall dimensions of c. 70m square with an internal area of 0.14ha. On the eastern side there is a clearly marked entrance. Within the enclosure the site of at least one round (timber ?) house is marked by a ring ditch. A number of probable pits are also visible in the interior. 60m to the east, at NT 9928 3005, is a ring ditch c. 10m in diameter. This may represent the site of an unenclosed round house (HER 2165). (3)(4a)
Aerial photograph references. (4b-h)
A curving row of pits (HER 34287) intersects with the north-eastern corner of the enclosure. The temporal relationship between these two features is unclear. (4e-f)
The site has been mapped from the air as part of the Milfield Geoarchaeology Project. (See archive object MD000296). (4)
General association with HER 2165 (ring ditch). (4)
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Please note that this information has been compiled from a number of different sources. Durham County Council and Northumberland County Council can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy contained therein. If you wish to use/copy any of the images, please ensure that you read the Copyright information provided.