Romano-British settlement on Birky Hill (Whitton and Tosson)
(Name NZ 04959906) Birky Hill. On small eminence, about 600yds SSW from Lordenshaws Camp two rocks with a few weathered but unmistakable cups. Unpublished. (1)
Birky Hill a small local rise in the general south west-north east ridge about 820ft above sea level.
'A' NZ 05029911. On the summit of the ridge is a small area of outcrop. One rock, about 1.5m square and 0.6m high, has four weathered cups and an irregular depression, possibly natural weathering. A little to the south east another, partly overgrown, rock has two possible weathered cups. None of the other rocks in the area shows any traces of markings.
'B' NZ 05009910. To the south west of the marked rocks is a hut circle with traces of associated enclosure banks to the south west and north east. The remains are too fragmentary for any definite conclusions but in view of the restricted width of the level ridge summit it is probable that this was a small pastoral enclosure with a single hut similar to others encountered on the moors.
There is no evidence for dating. The nearest springs are some 450m to the north east. (2)
Cup-markings confirmed. See photograph of 'A'. The remains at 'B' are difficult to assess. A possible stone-founded hut circle with associated fragmentary walling can be envisaged, the whole suggesting a small native-type homestead, but the remains are too slight for certainty. Surveyed with rocks at 1/2500. (3)
NZ 05109910. Birky Hill, rock marked with cups and grooves. (4)
Scheduled. (5)
NZ 05015 99194. Stands about 0.5m tall and shows the characteristic pitting/cups on the top. Appears to be a standing stone with cup marks on the top. (6)
NZ 051 991. Cup and ring marked rocks, stone rows, tumuli, cairns and Garleigh Hill stone circles and Lordenshaws camp, Hesleyhurst. Scheduled No ND/86. (7a)
West Lordenshaw (Birky Hill) 1 H00680NZ 0512 9912
..There is an artificial structure that may be a disturbed long mound or small enclosure. On its northern slopes are three marked rocks. The most southerly is a flat slab with a cup and two rings, centred on a cup and a diametric groove, all faintly marked. There is a large box-like block of sandstone with natural erosion on its top surface, added to artificially, and incorporating cups and basins.
A sloping outcrop completes this little group, and differs from the others, for here a notable feature is a line of eight cups, one with a groove running downh the cloping rock to end in a small cup. There are three parallel lines of cups, both vertical and horizontal. The lines begin with five cups at the top, four on the next line, and three on the third, but the largest cups form a square with three rows of three. The other part of the rock has larger cups, some with grooves.(7b)
Birky Hill a small local rise in the general south west-north east ridge about 820ft above sea level.
'A' NZ 05029911. On the summit of the ridge is a small area of outcrop. One rock, about 1.5m square and 0.6m high, has four weathered cups and an irregular depression, possibly natural weathering. A little to the south east another, partly overgrown, rock has two possible weathered cups. None of the other rocks in the area shows any traces of markings.
'B' NZ 05009910. To the south west of the marked rocks is a hut circle with traces of associated enclosure banks to the south west and north east. The remains are too fragmentary for any definite conclusions but in view of the restricted width of the level ridge summit it is probable that this was a small pastoral enclosure with a single hut similar to others encountered on the moors.
There is no evidence for dating. The nearest springs are some 450m to the north east. (2)
Cup-markings confirmed. See photograph of 'A'. The remains at 'B' are difficult to assess. A possible stone-founded hut circle with associated fragmentary walling can be envisaged, the whole suggesting a small native-type homestead, but the remains are too slight for certainty. Surveyed with rocks at 1/2500. (3)
NZ 05109910. Birky Hill, rock marked with cups and grooves. (4)
Scheduled. (5)
NZ 05015 99194. Stands about 0.5m tall and shows the characteristic pitting/cups on the top. Appears to be a standing stone with cup marks on the top. (6)
NZ 051 991. Cup and ring marked rocks, stone rows, tumuli, cairns and Garleigh Hill stone circles and Lordenshaws camp, Hesleyhurst. Scheduled No ND/86. (7a)
West Lordenshaw (Birky Hill) 1 H00680NZ 0512 9912
..There is an artificial structure that may be a disturbed long mound or small enclosure. On its northern slopes are three marked rocks. The most southerly is a flat slab with a cup and two rings, centred on a cup and a diametric groove, all faintly marked. There is a large box-like block of sandstone with natural erosion on its top surface, added to artificially, and incorporating cups and basins.
A sloping outcrop completes this little group, and differs from the others, for here a notable feature is a line of eight cups, one with a groove running downh the cloping rock to end in a small cup. There are three parallel lines of cups, both vertical and horizontal. The lines begin with five cups at the top, four on the next line, and three on the third, but the largest cups form a square with three rows of three. The other part of the rock has larger cups, some with grooves.(7b)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1957; E Geary
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