Patons and Baldwins Worsted Spinning Mill Factory, Lingfield Point, Darlington
Machinery at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Wider view of machinery at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
House at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Housing at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Industrial remains at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Industrial remains at Lingfield Point (possible Hopper?) 11/06/2018
Control Panel at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Close up of part of Control panel at Lingfield Point - pressure gauge? 11/06/2018
Close up of part of Control panel at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Wider view of industrial remains at Lingfield Point 11/06/2018
Inside Lingfield Point - area used as a warehouse 11/06/2018
Inside Lingfield Point - area used as a warehouse - different angle 11/06/2018
The architecture of the Patons and Baldwins Worsted Spinning Mill Factory identified Early Modernist design features.
The archaeological assessment report, in July 2008, concluded that the factory is of regional and local industrial archaeological and historical interest (1).
Late 20th Century (1967 to 2000)
Cold War (1946 to 1991)
Cold War (1946 to 1991)
Desk-Based Assessment at Lingfield Point, Darlington 2008; Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
Building recording at Lingfield Point, Darlington 2016; Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
Desk based assessment for Lingfield Point, Darlington 2020; Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
Building recording at Lingfield Point, Darlington 2016; Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
Desk based assessment for Lingfield Point, Darlington 2020; Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd
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