Durham City Rugby Football Club Memorial Grandstand, Green Lane, Durham (Durham City)
Open sided brick grandstand with pitched asbestos roof. Erected in 1949 and opened in 1950 at the Durham City Rugby Football Club as a First World War and WW2 memorial. Known to have once had a memorial plaque attached to the side which is now on the front of the clubhouse at the north west corner of the football ground. A book of remembrance is also known to be located within the clubhouse (1-2).
First World War (1914 to 1918)
Mid 20th Century (1933 to 1966)
Second World War (1939 to 1945)
21st Century (2001 to 2100)
Mid 20th Century (1933 to 1966)
Second World War (1939 to 1945)
21st Century (2001 to 2100)
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