Vindolanda Roman fort (Chesterholm) (Henshaw) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
1) Ordnance Survey Map OS 6 inch 1957
2) Birley, E, 1961. Research on Hadrian's Wall (Kendal), (184-8, 267)
3) Ancient Monuments England and Wales 1965 (M.O.W.) p82
4) Field Investigators Comments F1 RWE 12-OCT-1966
5) Journal of Roman Studies 59 1969 205 (D R Wilson)
6) Britannia 1 1970 276 309 plan (D R Wilson)
7) Birley, R E, 1977. Vindolanda a Roman Frontier post on Hadrian's Wall
8) Rivet, A L F and Smith, C, 1979. The Place Names of Roman Britain (London) (502)
9) DOE (IAM) Ancient Monuments in England 1 1978 p43
10) Chapman, J C and Mytum, H C, eds 1983. Settlement in North Britain 1000BC to AD1000 (Oxford) BAR-BS 118, (226,227 no 14)
11) Britannia 12 1981 380 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
12) Johnson, A, 1983. Roman Forts. London: Adam and Charles Black (112,186-7,199-200)
13) Bowman, A K, 1983. The Roman Writing Tablets from Vindolanda. London: British Museum Publications Ltd
14) Archaeologia Aeliana 5th series 6 1978 177-9 (R Miket)
15) Archaeologia Aeliana 5th series 10 1982 61-5 (K H Jackson)
16) Oral information, correspondence or staff comments, E Williams, 08-Sep-1992 (slide in Parish file)
17) Britannia 5 1974 462 (R P Wright and M W C Hassall)
18) Britannia 6 1975 284 (R P Wright, M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
19) Britannia 5 1974 462 (R P Wright and M W C Hassall)
20) Britannia 5 1974 471-80 (A K Bowman, J D Thomas and R P Wright)
21) Britannia 8 1977 198 (G C Boon)
22) Britannia 8 1977 432 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
23) Britannia 9 1978 480-1 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
24) Britannia 10 1979 346 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
25) Britannia 12 1981 393-4 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
26) Britannia 14 1983 347 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
27) Britannia 15 1984 345 (M W C Hassall and R S O Tomlin)
28) Britannia 17 1986 378 (S S Frere)
29) Henig, M, 1984. Religion in Roman Britain. London: B T Batsford Ltd (183 fig 88)
30) Archaeologial Journal 142 1985 225 (G R Stephens)
31) Archaeological Journal 144 1987 444 (J P Wild)
32) Antiquaries Journal 50 1970 339 (M Henig)
33) Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society 11/2 1977 79 (A R Aiano)
34) Bowman, A K and Thomas, J D, 1983. Vindolanda: The Latin Writing Tablets. Britannia Monograph Ser no 4. Gloucester: Alan Sutton
35) Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 29 part 1 1980 179 (M Green)
36) Clack, P and Haselgrove, S eds, 1982. Rural Settlement in the Roman North (Durham) (149)
37) Scheduled Monument Notification 14-Jul-1997
38) Burnham, B C, Hunter, F, Booth, P, Worrell, S, Hassall, M W C and Tomlin, R S O 2007 'Roman Britain in 2006'. Britannia 38, 241-365 (261 and 346-7, as Northumberland (2) Chesterholm)
39) Stephens, G R 1985 'Military Aqueducts in Roman Britain'. The Archaeological Journal 142, 216-36 (225, site number 28)
40) Burnham, B C, ed 2008. 'Roman Britain in 2007', Britannia 39, 279-83
41) Birley, A and Birley A, 2010. 'A Dolichenum at Vindolanda', Archaeologia Aeliana 5th series 39, 25-51