Round cairn north of Tom's Crags (Tarset with Greystead) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
(1) Field Investigators Comments F1 ISS 13-JUN-1979
(2) Northern Archaeological Survey, 1975. Archaeology in the North: gazetteer (Durham), 103.
(3) Long, B, 1988. List of Ancient Monuments - The Kielder Forests. Unpublished, Forestry Commission
(4) Miket, R. and Burgess, C. eds. 1984. Between and Beyond the Walls (Edinburgh), 67.
(4a) Harding, D. W., ed 1976. Archaeology in the North. (Newcastle upon Tyne), 248,253
(5) Scheduled monument notification DNH (IAM) AMs England SM25125 13-Dec-1994
(6) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence []
(6a) Ordnance Survey Map OS 1:10000 1980
(6b) English Heritage, 1995. County list of Scheduled Monuments: March 1994, Northumberland, 37