Doddington Moor standing stones (Doddington) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
(1) Ordnance Survey Map OS 6 inch 1925
(2) Greenwell, W., 1877. British barrows: a record of the examination of sepulchral mounds in various parts of England (Oxford), 410.
(3) Annotated Record Map Rec 6 inch (O G S Crawford 1920 (41))
(4) Annotated Record Map Corr 6 inch (Sir Walter de la Aitchison 1951)
(5) History of the Berwickshire Naturalists Club 25 (1923-5), 204.
(6) Field Investigators Comments F1 EG 28-NOV-1955
(7) Field Investigators Comments F2 RDL 27-FEB-1964
(8) Ordnance Survey Map 25 inch 1965
(9) Field Investigators Comments F3 DS 11-DEC-1968
(10) Maddison, M. and Sellars, P., 1989-90. 'A survey of Doddington and Horton Moors, Northumberland', Northern Archaeology vol.10. This site is No.133 in the gazetteer, 53.
(10a) Burl, A., 1976. The Stone Circles of the British Isles. Cambridge
(10b) Greenwood and Co, 1828. Map of the County of Northumberland... . London
(10c) Procter, W, 1874. The History of Doddington. MS transcription at the Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle upon Tyne, 7
(11) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence []
(11a) English Heritage, 1995. County list of Scheduled Monuments: March 1994, Northumberland, 17
(11b) Burl, A., 1995. A guide to the stone circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany