Point 101 Pillbox (P101) (Rothbury) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
1) Fortress Study Group - North East, 1987. Coquet Stop Line, Northumberland. Unpublished (no 8)
2) List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, Alnwick: Cartington 31-May-1991 (addition)
3) Defence of Britain Database (site S0007223)
4) Hall, I, 2013. Relics of War; A Guide to the 20th Century Military Remains in the Northumberland Landscape. Wanney Books (38)
5) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/]
5a) Migrated Defence of Britain Project database record originally compiled from various sources. The two databases developed by the Project can be searched on-line through the Archaeology Data Service at http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/catalogue/specColl/dob/index.cfm
5b) Oral information, correspondence (not archived) or staff comments. Examination of EH deskGIS mapping, SC, 21-NOV-2006