Rothbury Castle (Rothbury) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
(1) Hunter-Blair, C.H., 1944. Archaeologia Aeliana (4th Series) 22, 165-6
(2) Dixon, D.D., 1903. Upper Coquetdale (Newcastle), 371-2
(3) Hadcock, R.N., 1939. Archaeologia Aeliana (4th Series) 16, 181
(4) Dodds, M. H., 1940. A History of Northumberland, vol 15 (Newcastle upon Tyne), 343 footnote, 345.
(5) Field Investigators Comments F1 ASP 30-JAN-1957
(6) Tomlinson, W.W., 1888. Comprehensive Guide to Northumberland (Newcastle), 328
(7) Finlayson, R, 1999. Archaeological Assessment of Rothbury
(8) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence []
(8a) Cathcart King, D. J., 1983. Castellarium anglicanum: an index and bibliography of the castles in England, Wales and the Islands. Volume II: Norfolk-Yorkshire and the islands, 352.
(8b) Dodds, J. F., 1999. Bastions and Belligerents: Medieval Strongholds in Northumberland, 164-5.