Ewart Park henge (Ewart) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
(1) Harding, A.F., 1981. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 47, 129.
(2) Harding, A F with Lee, G E, 1987. Henge Monuments and Related Sites of Great Britain. BAR Brit Ser 175 This is site No.122, on pg.206-208.
(3) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP AZC 99, 26-Jul-1969
(4) National Heritage List Entry, 1002915, accessed on 20/06/2016
(5) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/]
(5a) English Heritage SAM List Northumbs March 1994 20
(5b) McCord N. & Jobey G. 1971, 'Notes on air reconnaissance in Northumberland and Durham', in Archaeologia Aeliana (4th Series) vol.49, 124.
(5c) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (AZD 1, 3) 26-JUL-1969
(5d) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BDB 56-57, 60) 10-JUL-1970
(5e) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BDE 35-36) 11-JUL-1970
(5f) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BJU 94-96) 19-JUL-1972
(5g) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BKC 40-41) 26-JUL-1972
(5h) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (COV 80) 25-JUL-1981
(5i) Oblique aerial photograph NCU (A/069484/35-36) 3-AUG-1970
(5j) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9531/2 (A/069571/40) 6-AUG-1970
(5k) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9531/1 (/0069656/149) 13-AUG-1970
(5l) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9531/16-18 (TMG 1974/199, 201-202) 21-JUL-1981
(5m) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9531/19-22 (TMG 3422/4-7) 17-JUN-1987
(5n) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9631/5 (TMG 3427/1) 17-JUN-1987
(5o) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9531/23, 25 (TMG 3427/2, 29) 17-JUN-1987