Marleyknowe henge (Ewart) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
(1) MacLauchlan, H, 1867.Notes not included in the memoirs already published on Roman roads in Northumberland (26)
(2) Aerial Photographs CUCAP GT 0069 JV66 and JV67 14-JUL-1952
(3) Field Investigators Comments F1 DK 02-FEB-1967
(4) Harding, A.F., 1981. Excavations in the Prehistoric Ritual Complex near Milfield, Northumberland. In Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 47, 87-135
(5) Harding, A.F. with Lee, G.E., 1987. Henge Monuments and Related Sites of Great Britain (Oxford), B.A.R. Brit. Ser. No.175., 205-8.
(6) Miket, R. and Burgess, C., eds, 1984. Between and Beyond the Walls (Edinburgh), 374-5.
(7) Aerial Photograph: CUCAP GT 69, 16-Jul-1951
(8) MacLauchlan, H. 1867 Notes not included in the memoirs already published on Roman roads in Northumberland
(9) Scheduled Ancient Monuments Record Core Print Form (site no 17018) O Craster 1972 and 1980, R Carmichael 1983
(10) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence []
(10a) English Heritage SAM List Northumbs March 1994 20
(10b) RCHME/EH/HE Aerial Photographers comment Tim Gates 2003
(10c) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (XG 26-28) 16-JUL-1958
(10d) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (AGG 64) 20-JUL-1962
(10e) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (TU 48-50) 2-AUG-1956
(10f) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (AKK 12-13, 18-19) 27-JUL-1964
(10g) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (AZD 4) 26-JUL-1969
(10h) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BDB 64) 10-JUL-1970
(10i) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BJU 97-99) 19-JUL-1972
(10j) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (BKC 37) 26-JUL-1972
(10k) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (CCY 34-35) 19-JUL-1977
(10l) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (COV 78-79) 25-JUL-1981
(10m) Oblique aerial photograph CUCAP (CPD 72) 10-AUG-1981
(10n) Oblique aerial photograph NCU (A/069484/31) 3-AUG-1970
(10o) Oblique aerial photograph NCU (A/069571/6-8, 12, 51) 6-AUG-1970
(10p) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/1-5 (TMG 1206/31-32, 34-35, 38) 26-JUL-1977
(10q) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/6-8 (TMG 1210/32-34) 26-JUL-1977
(10r) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/20-22 (TMG 1697/4-6) 2-JUL-1979
(10s) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/34-36 (TMG 1974/191-194) 21-JUL-1981
(10t) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/31-33 (TMG 2012/103A-105A) 30-JUL-1981
(10u) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/25-28 (MTG 2021/10-13) 21-JUL-1981
(10v) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/23-24 (TMG 2018/34A-35A) 30-JUL-1981
(10w) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9432/45-47 (TMG 5465/58-59, 61) 6-JUN-1989
(10x) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9331/33 (TMG 5001/31) 19-JUN-1989
(10y) Oblique aerial photograph NMR NT 9332/86 (TMG 5465/64) 6-JUL-1989
(10z) Oblique aerial photograph Unknown Repository (TMG 5464/60) 6-JUL-1989