Romano-British homestead (Seaton Valley) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
(1) This site was seen on an aerial photograph (Ref: RAF/CPE/UK/2352/2014 1947). Further details about looking at a copy of this photograph can be obtained from the home page.
(2) Tyne and Wear Museums, 2002. Proctor and Gamble, Seaton Delaval, Northumberland. An interim report upon the watching brief and archaeological evaluation. This is an unpublished report. Further information may be obtained from here.
(3) Stobbs, G and Speak, S, 2005. 'A single cup-marked stone from Seaton Delaval', Archaeologia Aeliana 5th series 34, 157-8