Ouston Airfield (or Albemarle Barracks, or RAF Ouston) (Stamfordham) - Source of Reference
The information on this website is based on a range of published and unpublished works. Below is a list of the source of information used in writing this record.
1) OS 1:10,000 1991
2) AC Archaeology, 1995. Albemarle Barracks Archaeological Assessment. Unpublished
3) Smith, D J, 1993. Action Stations 7. Military Airfields of Scotland, the North-East and Northern Ireland. Patrick Stephens Ltd (166-68)
4) Anon, 2013. Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust [http://www.abct.org.uk/, accessed 15-Jul-2013]
5) Email, Iain Taylor, http://battleheadquarters.info, 21-Jul-2013
5a) TNA: 9309/63B-DORIS ref MFC78/24/1104
6) Hall, I, 2013. Relics of War; A Guide to the 20th Century Military Remains in the Northumberland Landscape. Wanney Books (25 & 33)
7) Francis, P, Flagg, R and Crisp, G, 2015. Nine Thousand Miles of Concrete: a review of Second World War temporary airfields in England. Airfield Research Group and Historic England
8) This record includes National Record of the Historic Environment Information provided by Historic England on 4 January 2021 licensed under the Open Government Licence [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/]
8a) Steve Willis and Barry Holliss, 1987. Military airfields in the British Isles 1939-1945, page 155
8b) World Wide Web page: Brian Spears. Copyright 1994-2001."North-East Diary 1939-1945"; http://www.bspears.org.uk/NE-Diary; accessed 08-FEB-2005.
8c) Ordnance Survey Map 1:10000, 1966
8d) Ordnance Survey Map 1:10000, 1968
8e) Migrated Defence of Britain Project database record originally compiled from various sources. The two databases developed by the Project can be searched on-line through the Archaeology Data Service at http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/catalogue/specColl/dob/index.cfm
8f) Vertical aerial photograph reference number RAF CPE/UK/2352 3115 04-Oct-1947
8g) Vertical aerial photograph reference number RAF 58/2657 F22 0433-0434 30-Dec-1958