Staniel Heugh unenclosed settlement (Corsenside)
NY 917875: An unenclosed round house, 9m overall diameter situated amidst 45 clearance cairns was discovered at Staniel Heugh during field walking in February 1980. About 150m to the east of the round house at NY 91858751 a partly robbed kerbed cairn, 9m in diameter was was discovered. Surveyed at 1:1250. (1)
NY 917875. Staniel Heugh unenclosed settlement. (2)
NY 919874 East Woodburn Common. Cord rig in small plot cultivation, but unclear/unknown context. (3)
The unenclosed round house is best preserved on the north and east sides and there is a possible entrance on the south side. The walls are c.1.6m wide and stand up to 0.4m high. The field clearance cairns lie mainly east of the round house and stand up to 0.6m high. The partly robbed burial cairn at NY 91858751 measures c.8m in diameter and stands up to 0.6m high. (4)
Staniel Heugh unenclosed settlement. Previous sources note an unenclosed round house, 45 field clearance cairns, a burial cairn, and cord-rigg. Upwards of 40 mounds of a range of sizes visible on lidar imagery, though some could be natural features. Difficult to define the extent of the complex on the basis of lidar alone; should be surveyed in detail on the ground. (5)
NY 917875. Staniel Heugh unenclosed settlement. (2)
NY 919874 East Woodburn Common. Cord rig in small plot cultivation, but unclear/unknown context. (3)
The unenclosed round house is best preserved on the north and east sides and there is a possible entrance on the south side. The walls are c.1.6m wide and stand up to 0.4m high. The field clearance cairns lie mainly east of the round house and stand up to 0.6m high. The partly robbed burial cairn at NY 91858751 measures c.8m in diameter and stands up to 0.6m high. (4)
Staniel Heugh unenclosed settlement. Previous sources note an unenclosed round house, 45 field clearance cairns, a burial cairn, and cord-rigg. Upwards of 40 mounds of a range of sizes visible on lidar imagery, though some could be natural features. Difficult to define the extent of the complex on the basis of lidar alone; should be surveyed in detail on the ground. (5)
FIELD SURVEY, Field Survey in Northumberland 1981
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