Shittleheugh Bastle (Otterburn)
(NY 86909505) Peel (GT) (Remains of). (1)
Pele at Shittlehaugh. (2)
Remains of a tower, 13m long east-west, and 6.5m wide north-south, situated in open moorland upon a west-facing slope of 1:7, at approx 730ft above OD, commanding a wide stretch of the River Rede Valley to the north, west and south. Originally the tower would have overlooked the rising ground to the east.
The walls 1.2m thick, of massive stones, stand to a maximum height of 3m on the north and south sides.
There are indications of a barrel vaulted roof on the ground floor. The original entrance here, with several splayed windows, is preserved. Extending from the east end are the foundations of a small building. There is no evidence for dating, but pele towers in Northumberland are usually medieval or late medieval. (3)
Condition unchanged. (4)
NY 869950 Remains of bastle. (See Type-site NY 88 SE 14). (5)
Other rectangular buildings, probably contemporary, 20m to north-west and 20m to south, ruinous. Whole site needs surveying. The ragged ends of the ruined gables need consolidation. (6)
Additional references. (7,8,9)
Shittleheugh Bastle, Grade II listed building. Late 16th or early 17th century. (10)
NY 8690 9506. Bastle 480m NE of Shittleheugh. Scheduled RSM No 25042. The bastle measures 13m by 6.5m externally with walls 1.2m thick. The gables stand to their full height but the upper courses of the front and back walls have fallen and the building is roofless. Attached to the E end of the bastle there are the foundations of a smaller rectangular building 7m by 5.5m; this structure is clearly later in date than the bastle. (11)
Detailed description. (12)
Listed by Cathcart King and by Dodds. (13a,b)
Pele at Shittlehaugh. (2)
Remains of a tower, 13m long east-west, and 6.5m wide north-south, situated in open moorland upon a west-facing slope of 1:7, at approx 730ft above OD, commanding a wide stretch of the River Rede Valley to the north, west and south. Originally the tower would have overlooked the rising ground to the east.
The walls 1.2m thick, of massive stones, stand to a maximum height of 3m on the north and south sides.
There are indications of a barrel vaulted roof on the ground floor. The original entrance here, with several splayed windows, is preserved. Extending from the east end are the foundations of a small building. There is no evidence for dating, but pele towers in Northumberland are usually medieval or late medieval. (3)
Condition unchanged. (4)
NY 869950 Remains of bastle. (See Type-site NY 88 SE 14). (5)
Other rectangular buildings, probably contemporary, 20m to north-west and 20m to south, ruinous. Whole site needs surveying. The ragged ends of the ruined gables need consolidation. (6)
Additional references. (7,8,9)
Shittleheugh Bastle, Grade II listed building. Late 16th or early 17th century. (10)
NY 8690 9506. Bastle 480m NE of Shittleheugh. Scheduled RSM No 25042. The bastle measures 13m by 6.5m externally with walls 1.2m thick. The gables stand to their full height but the upper courses of the front and back walls have fallen and the building is roofless. Attached to the E end of the bastle there are the foundations of a smaller rectangular building 7m by 5.5m; this structure is clearly later in date than the bastle. (11)
Detailed description. (12)
Listed by Cathcart King and by Dodds. (13a,b)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1956; A S Phillips
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1970; D Smith
TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, Shittleheugh Bastle 2009; North Pennines Archaeology Ltd
ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY, Shittleheugh Bastle 2009; North Pennines Archaeology Ltd
DESK BASED ASSESSMENT, Shittleheugh Bastle 2009; North Pennines Archaeology Ltd
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1970; D Smith
TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, Shittleheugh Bastle 2009; North Pennines Archaeology Ltd
ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY, Shittleheugh Bastle 2009; North Pennines Archaeology Ltd
DESK BASED ASSESSMENT, Shittleheugh Bastle 2009; North Pennines Archaeology Ltd
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Please note that this information has been compiled from a number of different sources. Durham County Council and Northumberland County Council can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy contained therein. If you wish to use/copy any of the images, please ensure that you read the Copyright information provided.