Medieval earthworks (Tillside)
NU 016297. Weetwood deserted medieval village. (1)
Weetwood was a member of the barony of Alnwick, held by Hugh de Bolbec in 1242. 1296: three taxpayers. 1377 Poll Tax: 30 adults. Warburton noted a small village in the early 18th century. Armstrong's map of 1769 shows a farm and mansion (Weetwood Hall) north of the Till and West Weetwood on the south side. Substantial earthworks survive in the corner of a field west of the Hall at NU 015296. Ridge and furrow lies between these earthworks and the River Till to the south. The settlement comprises two rows of house sites and garths, separated by a sunken way. (2)
Centred at NU 0153 2962 are earthworks associated with Weetwood DMV. The earthworks include ridge and furrow cultivation. (3)
[NU 0153 2962] Earthworks associated with Weetwood DMV. They include ridge and furrow cultivation. (4a-b)
[NU 0155 2962] Miscellaneous earthworks, probably mostly Medieval, located between Weetwood Hall and the River Till. The main elements are small patches of ridge and furrow, banks, and a possible ditch or hollow way. There is an outlying piece of ridge and furrow at NU 017 295.
The identification of these features as a DMV by authority 4a seems odd. There are no traces of crofts or house platforms on the photos he cites and most of the features look agricultural. There was supposedly a DMV at Weetwood but this is thought to have been sited further back from the river at NU 016 297. (4b-d)
These earthworks have been mapped from aerial photographs as part of the Milfield Geoarchaeology Project. (see archive object MD000297). (4)
Weetwood was a member of the barony of Alnwick, held by Hugh de Bolbec in 1242. 1296: three taxpayers. 1377 Poll Tax: 30 adults. Warburton noted a small village in the early 18th century. Armstrong's map of 1769 shows a farm and mansion (Weetwood Hall) north of the Till and West Weetwood on the south side. Substantial earthworks survive in the corner of a field west of the Hall at NU 015296. Ridge and furrow lies between these earthworks and the River Till to the south. The settlement comprises two rows of house sites and garths, separated by a sunken way. (2)
Centred at NU 0153 2962 are earthworks associated with Weetwood DMV. The earthworks include ridge and furrow cultivation. (3)
[NU 0153 2962] Earthworks associated with Weetwood DMV. They include ridge and furrow cultivation. (4a-b)
[NU 0155 2962] Miscellaneous earthworks, probably mostly Medieval, located between Weetwood Hall and the River Till. The main elements are small patches of ridge and furrow, banks, and a possible ditch or hollow way. There is an outlying piece of ridge and furrow at NU 017 295.
The identification of these features as a DMV by authority 4a seems odd. There are no traces of crofts or house platforms on the photos he cites and most of the features look agricultural. There was supposedly a DMV at Weetwood but this is thought to have been sited further back from the river at NU 016 297. (4b-d)
These earthworks have been mapped from aerial photographs as part of the Milfield Geoarchaeology Project. (see archive object MD000297). (4)
FIELD SURVEY, Deserted Medieval Villages of North Northumberland 1978; P J Dixon
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