East Ord cup and ring marked stone (Ord; Horncliffe)
[NT 96435036] Cup and Ring Marked Stone [LB]. (1)
A cup and ring marked stone 0.5m x 0.4m built into the face of a stone wall. See G.P. AO/55/204/7. (2)
No change. (3)
St Mary's Convent. Slab, cup and ring marked, in wall. Most northerly carving, in the wall of a convent, now a private school (Longridge Towers). (4)
(H00400 a-c). NT 96455035 (a,b), NT 96565040 (c). East Ord. Principal stone (a) in north facing wall. (b) is a cup marked portable, removed from site. (c) is at the base of a destroyed section of wall, has a large cup. (5)
Ord H00400NT NT 9645 5035
A wall between Longridge Towers and East Ord farm is the location of three marked rocks. One is built into the wall, and its motifs are not cut through, as though it has been deliberately incorporated as a feature. A large cup is surrrounded by two penannulars that stop at the groove leading out of the cup. Five cups form a rough arc outside the pennanulars. (6)
NT 96450 50350. Ord panel a and c built into a wall. Panel (a) has single or multiple cups (5) Cup and groove with multiple penannulars (1). Panel (c) has single or multiple cups (1). The information for this panel of rock art was derived from the Beckensall Archive through the ERA project. (6b-c)
A cup and ring marked stone 0.5m x 0.4m built into the face of a stone wall. See G.P. AO/55/204/7. (2)
No change. (3)
St Mary's Convent. Slab, cup and ring marked, in wall. Most northerly carving, in the wall of a convent, now a private school (Longridge Towers). (4)
(H00400 a-c). NT 96455035 (a,b), NT 96565040 (c). East Ord. Principal stone (a) in north facing wall. (b) is a cup marked portable, removed from site. (c) is at the base of a destroyed section of wall, has a large cup. (5)
Ord H00400NT NT 9645 5035
A wall between Longridge Towers and East Ord farm is the location of three marked rocks. One is built into the wall, and its motifs are not cut through, as though it has been deliberately incorporated as a feature. A large cup is surrrounded by two penannulars that stop at the groove leading out of the cup. Five cups form a rough arc outside the pennanulars. (6)
NT 96450 50350. Ord panel a and c built into a wall. Panel (a) has single or multiple cups (5) Cup and groove with multiple penannulars (1). Panel (c) has single or multiple cups (1). The information for this panel of rock art was derived from the Beckensall Archive through the ERA project. (6b-c)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1967; D Smith
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