Palisaded settlement cropmark (Shoreswood)
(1) Northern Archaeological Survey, 1975. Archaeology in the North: gazetteer (Durham), 83
(1a) Aerial photograph (CUC)
(2) Aerial photographs (OS 73/275 116-7 5.6.73)
(3) Aerial photograph BEF F16 CUCAP 2.8.70
(4) English Heritage: Till Tweed NMP, Air Photograph Interpretation, 27 Mar 2003 - 29 Sep 2003 (UID 4038)
(1a) Aerial photograph (CUC)
(2) Aerial photographs (OS 73/275 116-7 5.6.73)
(3) Aerial photograph BEF F16 CUCAP 2.8.70
(4) English Heritage: Till Tweed NMP, Air Photograph Interpretation, 27 Mar 2003 - 29 Sep 2003 (UID 4038)
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH INTERPRETATION, English Heritage: Till Tweed NMP 2003; English Heritage
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