Promontory Fort and boundary (Horncliffe)
[NT 91864908] Fort. (1)
The remains of a probable promontory fort situated at the east end of a spur. The existing remains consist of a wide unramparted ditch, average width 12m with ends resting on the slopes of the spur. The scarp of this ditch averages 1m in height, but its counterscarp has been practically ploughed out. The site is now under pasture and there are no apparent traces of occupation. Surveyed at 25". (2)
Published survey (25") and description correct. (3)
NT918490. Infra-red line scan imagery reveals good detail of ditches/defences and entrances. (4)(5)
An Iron Age promontory fort and a prehistoric/Roman boundary ditch, centred at NT 9192 4909, are visible as an earthwork and a cropmark on air photographs. The fort is formed by a crescent ditch to the west (measuring between 8m at its ends, and widening to 16m in the middle). To the east the defences are completed by a natural slope. The enclosed area measures approximately 0.70ha. The boundary ditch is located 108m to the west. It is slightly curving and suggests a further means of enclosing the promontory fort. This is only speculative, however. (4)
The remains of a probable promontory fort situated at the east end of a spur. The existing remains consist of a wide unramparted ditch, average width 12m with ends resting on the slopes of the spur. The scarp of this ditch averages 1m in height, but its counterscarp has been practically ploughed out. The site is now under pasture and there are no apparent traces of occupation. Surveyed at 25". (2)
Published survey (25") and description correct. (3)
NT918490. Infra-red line scan imagery reveals good detail of ditches/defences and entrances. (4)(5)
An Iron Age promontory fort and a prehistoric/Roman boundary ditch, centred at NT 9192 4909, are visible as an earthwork and a cropmark on air photographs. The fort is formed by a crescent ditch to the west (measuring between 8m at its ends, and widening to 16m in the middle). To the east the defences are completed by a natural slope. The enclosed area measures approximately 0.70ha. The boundary ditch is located 108m to the west. It is slightly curving and suggests a further means of enclosing the promontory fort. This is only speculative, however. (4)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1962; W D Johnston
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1967; E C Waight
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH INTERPRETATION, English Heritage: Till Tweed NMP 2003; English Heritage
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1967; E C Waight
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH INTERPRETATION, English Heritage: Till Tweed NMP 2003; English Heritage
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Please note that this information has been compiled from a number of different sources. Durham County Council and Northumberland County Council can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy contained therein. If you wish to use/copy any of the images, please ensure that you read the Copyright information provided.