Delaval Battery (Seaton Valley)
Prior to 1670, Sir Ralph Delaval planted a battery on the promontory commanding the harbour of Seaton Sluice. The battery is marked on Greenville Collins's Chart. (1)
[NZ 3380 7687] Battery indicated by symbol representing guns. (2)
Site now built over. No indications of antiquity. (3)
[Subsequently published] Battery (Site of). (4)
Delaval Battery, 17th century. The ground between the house and the headland is not built over. Something may survive here of the battery or associated buildings. The site lies c.30m from mean high water mark; the coastline is actively eroding. (5)
[NZ 3380 7687] Battery indicated by symbol representing guns. (2)
Site now built over. No indications of antiquity. (3)
[Subsequently published] Battery (Site of). (4)
Delaval Battery, 17th century. The ground between the house and the headland is not built over. Something may survive here of the battery or associated buildings. The site lies c.30m from mean high water mark; the coastline is actively eroding. (5)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1954; E Geary
FIELD SURVEY, Northumberland Coastal Survey 1992; GUARD
FIELD SURVEY, Northumberland Coastal Survey 1992; GUARD
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