Meldon Tower (Meldon)
A list of 1415 refers to a tower at Meldon, the property of Nicholas Heron. (1)
The tower of Meldon stood 'at the corner of a hedge about 150 yards south-east of the church, and partly in two fields, where there are strong remains of the walls of vaults or cellars 60 feet long and 15 feet wide within. A wide and covered sewer ran from it to the north'. There are also traces of walls and buildings on the top of the hill just south of the church and west of the tower, probably the remains of the barmkin and offices.
A tablet preserved in the church bearing the arms of Fenwick and the inscription W.F. 1620 probably refers to some additions made at that time, when Sir William Fenwick removed to it from Hartington. (2)
Ref entry. (3)(4)
NZ [12028380] The steading of a building measuring 19m by 7.5m demarcated by fragmentary banks, average width 3m, maximum height 0.8m. The orientation is north west-south east. To the east and downhill side the ground is uneven with dressed stones visible in places. To the south west there is old surface quarrying.
Although there are discrepancies with the siting given in (2) it is considered that this steading is probably the remains of the tower. The distance south east of the church is approx. 120 yards ((2) gives the distance as 150 yards), and whereas the steading is now wholly in one field the gaps in the banks may indicate the former existence of a fence or hedge forming a field division, which would agree with the description in (2). The interior measurements would not vary greatly from (2).
There is no trace of a covered sewer leading north, or of building remains south of the church, the latter area being now occupied by the modern Rectory and attached gardens.
The tablet referred to in (2) is built into the inside of the church wall at the west end of the south wall of the nave.
The field in which the steading is situated is known locally as Church Field. There is no local knowledge or tradition of a tower. (Field name from local enquiries). (5)
The probable remains of a tower, in poor condition. It is suitably situated on rising ground. Surveyed at 1:2500. (6)
Meldon Tower and barmkin. (7)
Listed by Cathcart King and by Dodds. (8a-b)
The tower of Meldon stood 'at the corner of a hedge about 150 yards south-east of the church, and partly in two fields, where there are strong remains of the walls of vaults or cellars 60 feet long and 15 feet wide within. A wide and covered sewer ran from it to the north'. There are also traces of walls and buildings on the top of the hill just south of the church and west of the tower, probably the remains of the barmkin and offices.
A tablet preserved in the church bearing the arms of Fenwick and the inscription W.F. 1620 probably refers to some additions made at that time, when Sir William Fenwick removed to it from Hartington. (2)
Ref entry. (3)(4)
NZ [12028380] The steading of a building measuring 19m by 7.5m demarcated by fragmentary banks, average width 3m, maximum height 0.8m. The orientation is north west-south east. To the east and downhill side the ground is uneven with dressed stones visible in places. To the south west there is old surface quarrying.
Although there are discrepancies with the siting given in (2) it is considered that this steading is probably the remains of the tower. The distance south east of the church is approx. 120 yards ((2) gives the distance as 150 yards), and whereas the steading is now wholly in one field the gaps in the banks may indicate the former existence of a fence or hedge forming a field division, which would agree with the description in (2). The interior measurements would not vary greatly from (2).
There is no trace of a covered sewer leading north, or of building remains south of the church, the latter area being now occupied by the modern Rectory and attached gardens.
The tablet referred to in (2) is built into the inside of the church wall at the west end of the south wall of the nave.
The field in which the steading is situated is known locally as Church Field. There is no local knowledge or tradition of a tower. (Field name from local enquiries). (5)
The probable remains of a tower, in poor condition. It is suitably situated on rising ground. Surveyed at 1:2500. (6)
Meldon Tower and barmkin. (7)
Listed by Cathcart King and by Dodds. (8a-b)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1956; E Geary
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1971; B H Pritchard
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1971; B H Pritchard
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