Augustinian Cell (Carham)
[NT 79693842] Abbey [G.T.] Site of [T.I.]. (1)
A small cell, for two or three Augustinian Canons dependent on Kirkham Priory [Yorkshire], was founded at Carham after 1131, and dissolved in 1539 (2). None of the buildings survive today, but there are indications that they lay to the west of the church (3). (2-3)
The site falls on slightly terraced ground and no traces of buildings are visible. West of the church, a shallow rise in the level of the graveyard may be artificial, but nothing indicative of building remains are apparent. The church is modern, and does not appear to incorporate any earlier structure. (4)
Possibly the medieval church survived after the dissolution. (5)
Useful sources. (6)
Geophysical survey in 2019 revealed rectangular features that may be the stone foundations of buildings of various sizes as well as possible structures from an earlier period that show up as fainter outlines. It is unclear which might be associated with the deserted medieval village (HER 117) or monastic community. These results suggest that there are remains north of the present church which are consistent with the buildings and precinct of a medieval community and which appear to have extended beyond the area surveyed. (7)
Reference 8 from NRHE but no description supplied. (8a)
General association with Kirkham Priory in Westow, Ryedale, North Yorkshire. NRHE ID 59657. (8)
A small cell, for two or three Augustinian Canons dependent on Kirkham Priory [Yorkshire], was founded at Carham after 1131, and dissolved in 1539 (2). None of the buildings survive today, but there are indications that they lay to the west of the church (3). (2-3)
The site falls on slightly terraced ground and no traces of buildings are visible. West of the church, a shallow rise in the level of the graveyard may be artificial, but nothing indicative of building remains are apparent. The church is modern, and does not appear to incorporate any earlier structure. (4)
Possibly the medieval church survived after the dissolution. (5)
Useful sources. (6)
Geophysical survey in 2019 revealed rectangular features that may be the stone foundations of buildings of various sizes as well as possible structures from an earlier period that show up as fainter outlines. It is unclear which might be associated with the deserted medieval village (HER 117) or monastic community. These results suggest that there are remains north of the present church which are consistent with the buildings and precinct of a medieval community and which appear to have extended beyond the area surveyed. (7)
Reference 8 from NRHE but no description supplied. (8a)
General association with Kirkham Priory in Westow, Ryedale, North Yorkshire. NRHE ID 59657. (8)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1966; E C Waight
GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY, Carham 2019; Bernician Studies Group
GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY, Carham 2019; Bernician Studies Group
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