Multiperiod finds and features on Ward's Hill (Brinkburn and Hesleyhurst)
(NZ 07859652). Fragments of three Bronze Age beakers, a shale whetstone, a flint barbed and tanged arrowhead and some fragments of flint and calcined bones found by Mr A R Robson at Swarl during quarrying operations at Ward's Hill near Rothbury. Finds donated to Society by Mr W P Hedley at meeting held August 25th 1937.
On the surface of the ground are the appearances of hollows like disc barrows, and a considerable quantity of 13th century pottery has also been found. (1)
Rothbury, Ward's Hill 1937. Fragments of three beakers (type doubtful) barbed and tanged arrowhead, two scrapers, a shale whetstone and flint waste - found during quarrying - in Blackgate Museum, Newcastle. (2)
Case 24. 'Bronze Age'. Fragments of three beakers, a whetstone, an arrowhead and flint tools and waste. Found with calcined bones in quarrying at Ward's Hill, Rothbury. Given by Mr W P Hedley 1937. (Beaker fragments not on view). (3)
Enquiries at the quarry office revealed that there is no one working there now who was present at the time of the find and that no one has any knowledge of this find.
The hollows 'like disc barrows', (sic) referred to by Authority 1, could not be located, but the quarry has been considerably enlarged north-eastwards along the ridge of Ward's Hill in recent years.
The present location of the 13th century pottery (Authority 1 refers) has not been ascertained. (4)
NZ 07959652. The finds were made when quarrying on the summit of Ward's Hill. Several hut circles were bulldozed away in the vicinity. (5)
Tait classifies one of the beakers as a Cord Zoned Bell, and the other two as probably 'short-necked'. (6)
Quarry now disused. (7)
Five 'sow kilns' on Ward's Hill near Rothbury, c.NZ 080977[?]. Primitive means of burning limestone for agricultural use. Diagnostic features appear to be a low ring-mound of hut circle dimensions c.15-20ft across, representing the mound after the lime was dug out. Remains of shallow surface quarrying and indications of old ploughing usually occur adjacent to 'sow' kilns. Among a cairnfield on Ward's Hill are five ring-mounds 15-17ft diameter amongst burial cairns.
Excavation showed burnt turf and fragments of limestone. (8)
NZ 077967. Flint barbed and tanged arrowhead. Found in quarrying with beakers, retouched flint flakes and a whetstone. No details of any burials. (9)
No features could be determined at grid reference (NZ 080977) which lies in a field with pronounced ridge and furrow cultivation. (10)
On the surface of the ground are the appearances of hollows like disc barrows, and a considerable quantity of 13th century pottery has also been found. (1)
Rothbury, Ward's Hill 1937. Fragments of three beakers (type doubtful) barbed and tanged arrowhead, two scrapers, a shale whetstone and flint waste - found during quarrying - in Blackgate Museum, Newcastle. (2)
Case 24. 'Bronze Age'. Fragments of three beakers, a whetstone, an arrowhead and flint tools and waste. Found with calcined bones in quarrying at Ward's Hill, Rothbury. Given by Mr W P Hedley 1937. (Beaker fragments not on view). (3)
Enquiries at the quarry office revealed that there is no one working there now who was present at the time of the find and that no one has any knowledge of this find.
The hollows 'like disc barrows', (sic) referred to by Authority 1, could not be located, but the quarry has been considerably enlarged north-eastwards along the ridge of Ward's Hill in recent years.
The present location of the 13th century pottery (Authority 1 refers) has not been ascertained. (4)
NZ 07959652. The finds were made when quarrying on the summit of Ward's Hill. Several hut circles were bulldozed away in the vicinity. (5)
Tait classifies one of the beakers as a Cord Zoned Bell, and the other two as probably 'short-necked'. (6)
Quarry now disused. (7)
Five 'sow kilns' on Ward's Hill near Rothbury, c.NZ 080977[?]. Primitive means of burning limestone for agricultural use. Diagnostic features appear to be a low ring-mound of hut circle dimensions c.15-20ft across, representing the mound after the lime was dug out. Remains of shallow surface quarrying and indications of old ploughing usually occur adjacent to 'sow' kilns. Among a cairnfield on Ward's Hill are five ring-mounds 15-17ft diameter amongst burial cairns.
Excavation showed burnt turf and fragments of limestone. (8)
NZ 077967. Flint barbed and tanged arrowhead. Found in quarrying with beakers, retouched flint flakes and a whetstone. No details of any burials. (9)
No features could be determined at grid reference (NZ 080977) which lies in a field with pronounced ridge and furrow cultivation. (10)
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1957; A S Phillips
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1971; B H Pritchard
FIELD OBSERVATION, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigation 1971; B H Pritchard
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